Rabu, 24 September 2008

The RUMUS, misalnya kalo salah

2 cm 2 cm

6,4 cm
15 cm

Luas Sisi:
Sisi A dan D
2 cm x 6,4 cm x 2 = 25,6 cm2
Sisi B dan E
2 cm x 15 cm x 2 = 60 cm2
Sisi C dan F
6,4 cm x 15 cm x 2 = 96 cm2
Luas Total
25,6 + 60 + 96 = 181,6 cm3

Rabu, 17 September 2008



1. Menyebarkan emisi gas karbon dioksida ke atmosfer. menimbulkan emisi
2. Terbunuhnya satwa liar dan musnahnya tanaman baik karena kebakaran, terjebak asap atau rusaknya habitat. Kebakaran juga dapat menyebabkan banyak spesies endemik/khas di suatu daerah turut punah sebelum sempat dikenali/diteliti.
3. Menyebabkan banjir selama beberapa minggu di saat musim hujan dan kekeringan di saat musim kemarau.
4. Kekeringan yang ditimbulkan dapat menyebabkan terhambatnya jalur pengangkutan lewat sungai dan menyebabkan kelaparan di daerah-daerah terpencil.
5. Kekeringan juga akan mengurangi volume air waduk pada saat musim kemarau yang mengakibatkan terhentinya pembangkit listrik (PLTA) pada musim kemarau.
6. Musnahnya bahan baku industri perkayuan, mebel/furniture. Lebih jauh lagi hal ini dapat mengakibatkan perusahaan perkayuan terpaksa ditutup karena kurangnya bahan baku dan puluhan ribu pekerja menjadi penganggur/kehilangan pekerjaan.
7. Meningkatnya jumlah penderita penyakit infeksi saluran pernapasan atas (ISPA) dan kanker paru-paru. Hal ini bisa menyebabkan kematian bagi penderita berusia lanjut dan anak-anak. Polusi asap ini juga bisa menambah parah penyakit para penderita TBC/asma.
8. Asap yang ditimbulkan menyebabkan gangguan di berbagai segi kehidupan masyarakat antara lain pendidikan, agama dan ekonomi. Banyak sekolah yang terpaksa diliburkan pada saat kabut asap berada di tingkat yang berbahaya. Penduduk dihimbau tidak bepergian jika tidak ada keperluan mendesak. Hal ini mengganggu kegiatan keagamaan dan mengurangi kegiatan perdagangan/ekonomi. Gangguan asap juga terjadi pada sarana perhubungan/transportasi yaitu berkurangnya batas pandang. Banyak pelabuhan udara yang ditutup pada saat pagi hari di musim kemarau karena jarak pandang yang terbatas bisa berbahaya bagi penerbangan. Sering terjadi kecelakaan tabrakan antar perahu di sungai-sungai, karena terbatasnya jarak pandang.
9. Musnahnya bangunan, mobil, sarana umum dan harta benda lainnya.

pidato suatu isi yang ngaco

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
Yang terhormat Bapak dan Ibu guru, serta teman-teman. Pertama-tama, kita ucapkan puji syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena atas karunia-Nya hari ini kita dapat berkumpul bersama.
Para hadirin yang saya hormati,
Saya ingin memberitahu Anda semua bahwa Badak Jawa (Rhinoceros sondaicus), hanya ada 60 yang tersisa di seluruh dunia, dan kian melangka. Penyebabnya adalah pemburu memburu badak Jawa karena tanduknya. Akibatnya, hanya sedikt badak Jawa yang tersisa. Cara pemecahan masalahnya adalah tidak memburu badak Jawa dan dulu, badak tersebut ada di Thailand, Malaysia dan Sumatra. Tetapi, sekarang hanya ada di Ujung Kulon, Banten.
Bapak dan Ibu guru serta teman-teman sekalian, Saya berharap Anda semua melestarikan badak Jawa yang langka. Bayangkan hidup tanpa badak, bayangkan hidup tanpa hewan yang hebat ini.
Hadirin sekalian,
Demikianlah pidato tentang badak Jawa yang langka.
Sekian dan terima kasih

Senin, 15 September 2008


When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit Story

Nine year-old Anna lives in Berlin, with her Papa, Mama, and brother Max. Papa is a Jewish writer, and the German elections of 1933 are quickly approaching. Her father goes to Switzerland, where he tries to establish a home for his family. The Saturday before Hitler is elected, Anna and her family travel to Switzerland, not bothering to wait for the election results. After an initial illness, Anna recovers and attends a local school, where she notices some odd characteristics among the children. Boys and girls do not mix at games, and when she demonstrates how to perform a cartwheel, six boys fall in love with her and demonstrate this by throwing rocks at her. Some German kids vacation in Switzerland, and Anna wants to play with them, but their parents are Nazis who will not permit their children to mess with unclean Jews. Another important character is Anna's father's good friend, the naturalist Uncle Julius, who believes that the Nazi regime will end abruptly.
Meanwhile, the family moves to Paris, where it is more likely that Papa will be able to publish his articles. The Swiss wish to remain neutral, and they obstinately refuse to print his material, especially after the Nazis burned all of Papa's books.
In France, Anna and Max learn to speak and read French, although Anna initially struggles to do so. Max is particularly anxious to not be singled out as different, and he studies hard, eventually becoming the best student in his class. After Anna becomes fluent in French, she passes a standard elementary school test for French 12 year-olds and wins a monetary prize for a composition she writes. Anna's best friend in France is a schoolmate, Colette.
Papa tells his kids about Napoleon's life, and he gets an idea of writing about Bonaparte's mother. He sends the script to two French filmmakers, but they return it speedily. He then sends it to a Hungarian film producer in England, who does not give happy news at first. However, on the day that they learn of Uncle Julius' death, they find out that a thousand pounds was offered up for the screenplay. Then Anna's family moves to London.
The title of the novel comes from Anna's favorite stuffed animal, Pink Rabbit, which she leaves behind in Berlin, taking along a stuffed dog instead. She imagines Hitler playing with her games compendium and playing with her Pink Rabbit.


The special characteristic of a shark is their cartilaginous bones. The cartilaginous bones make them move easily on the water. The other special characteristic is their sandpaper-like skin. The skin helps the shark to defend itself from craggy corals and poisonous surgeons. Their teeth are specially designed to bite off flesh. A shark can have 3000 teeth in a lifetime. The Great White, Tiger Sharks and Bull sharks are the most fearsome fish. They eat dolphins, seals, fish and mostly anything, except poisonous creatures. A shark can live up to 60 years old, but the whale shark can live up to 100 years. The shapes of sharks’ teeth have many variations. The Great White’s teeth are shaped like a razor knife. It can easily cut off a seal’s flesh. The Megalodon is an ancestor of the Great White from the Pliocene Period. The Megalodon’s teeth are 40 centimeters long, for a 40 feet body, while a great white’s teeth are 15-20 centimeters long. There are 350 known species of sharks. There are about 100 shark attacks every year. Sharks attack people when people disturb them.

Jakarta, 30th July 2008
Charisma Winarga Rochadi


The special characteristic of a shark is their cartilaginous bones. The cartilaginous bones make them move easily on the water. The other special characteristic is their sandpaper-like skin. The skin helps the shark to defend itself from craggy corals and poisonous surgeons. Their teeth are specially designed to bite off flesh. A shark can have 3000 teeth in a lifetime. The Great White, Tiger Sharks and Bull sharks are the most fearsome fish. They eat dolphins, seals, fish and mostly anything, except poisonous creatures. A shark can live up to 60 years old, but the whale shark can live up to 100 years. The shapes of sharks’ teeth have many variations. The Great White’s teeth are shaped like a razor knife. It can easily cut off a seal’s flesh. The Megalodon is an ancestor of the Great White from the Pliocene Period. The Megalodon’s teeth are 40 centimeters long, for a 40 feet body, while a great white’s teeth are 15-20 centimeters long. There are 350 known species of sharks. There are about 100 shark attacks every year. Sharks attack people when people disturb them.

Grade 6

Rabu, 20 Agustus 2008

17 Agustus

At the 15 august we celebrate 17 agustus. There is a fashion parade.
Grade 1 and 2 i FORGOT
grade 3 dayan and jessica
grade 4 claudine and rashid
grade 5 isvan and mandy
grade 6 kenneth and emily
grade 7 kevin and sabrina
grade 8 kevin2 and audrey
grade 9 alya and bagus
grade 10 liberty and deby
grade 11 billy and hanna
grade 12 ray and jennifer
the winner of fashion show is grade 12
after that we heard a lot of announcements

Rabu, 06 Agustus 2008

Rabu, 30 Juli 2008

My Class

I am now in Grade 6. The homeroom teacher for Grade 6 is bu Dany, and the IPS, PKn, PLBJ, BI and Art teacher is bu Dwi, the English teachers are bu Wiwik and pak Ferdi, the music teacher is bu Julia, the IT teacher is Pak Hari, the PE teacher is pak Lukman and the Mandarin teacher is Lao Shi Allen. The one thing about Grade 6 that I like is about no one is bigger than us. I like the class because there are 21 students when we started the year, but became 20 because Keren moved.
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